Then on Thursday we saw the long awaited Book of Mormon. I used to walk by the theater every day on my way to work at the Red Cross and have been wanting to see it since it came out. It definitely lived up to the hype. A very entertaining show with catchy music and we were laughing the whole time. We received several questions about how we managed to get tickets since most shows are sold out in advance. We didn't do anything special, just bought our tickets in November for a random Thursday in February. We finally used a gift card for that helped take down the sticker shock of the prices (thanks Ryan and Callie!). It was well worth the wait!
In food news, this week we added soy to our diets. I think I may be slightly sensitive to it and plan to avoid it more in the future. We also added oranges and peanuts and it was nice to be able to make some of our favorite dishes again like veggie korma and orange tempeh. Tomorrow we're adding caffeine (finally!) and on March first, gluten. I'm sure that bread is going to taste amazing!