On June 5th I turned 24. While my birthday this year was unfortunately not much of a celebration, I've been warned that 25 is a big one. There are many things I would like to accomplish this year or many things I have avoided doing but need to accomplish this year. However you want to look at it, here's a list to get me started on a great year of being 24.
1. Take an actual yoga class
2. Get my passport updated so I can actually use it
3. Spend a week without my cell phone and laptop, preferably on a vacation in another country.
4. Buy and cook fish by myself--no help!
5. Bake more pies. Preferably cherry.
6. Use the food processor for more than just hummus
7. Continue watching True Blood even though we don't have cable or obviously HBO.
8. Take advantage of touristy things in NYC
9. Go to see at least 2 Broadway plays, one hopefully being the Book of Mormon
10. Print wedding photos and put them into albums
11. Frame large wedding photos
12. Start other photo albums instead of keeping them all on the computer
13. Spend a full day in Brooklyn
14. Host more friends and family in New York (Ahem, family get on that)
15. Beat Sean at Yahtzee
16. Visit a country I have never been to
17. Read books I own that I've been avoiding reading cause they're non-fiction and/or depressing
18. Locate the battery charger for my digital camera somewhere in this apartment
19. Stop giving my curly hair such a hard time
20. Conserve water by not taking my sweet time in the shower every morning
21. Have more plants and fresh flowers at home
22. Get tested for allergies
23. Upgrade some pieces of furniture, such as the dresser that's falling apart.
24. Eat a whole wheat everything bagel at least once a week.
Obviously this is not a full list and there are other important things to do such as have a fulfilling real job, keep in touch with good friends, and maintain a loving marriage. But I'm sure I'll be more capable of doing those things if I also accomplish some of the items on the list (#14 and 22 come to mind).
In other life news, I finished reading the Twilight series. Have to admit I read them while specifically looking for something mindless and entertaining. The writing was bad but I thought it got better with each book. Sean said I was just invested in the story and characters. No way. That is NOT why I immediately went and added all the movies to our Netflix queue.
:) good list, ruth.
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