It's been 10 days since my last post. Oops! I've been busy.
Sean and I (actually just Sean) forgot to take a camera with us for our anniversary celebration. Therefore, no great photos of the fun weekend we had in NYC.
Since we don't have vacation time left and we are both sick of the airport, we decided that for our anniversary we should just stay in a nice hotel and relax. We stayed at the W Hotel in Union Square and Sean got us a nice room on the 20th floor with a great view of downtown. The room was actually very large which is always nice for New York hotel rooms. I made Sean keep the price a secret from me. There are some things I would rather not know, even if the money is all coming from the same place.
We had a delicious dinner Friday night at the Union Square Cafe which is apparently a NYC institution that we knew nothing about. The food was delicious, our server helped us pick a great bottle of wine and after the salad and pasta we even had room for dessert. I'd love to come back!
Saturday we took a long walk to the west side to try a brunch place recommended by a coworker, Cookshop. The food was great (I had the hueavos rancheros) but the best part was the bloody mary. I am always wary of ordering them in restaurants because they can't compare to the homemade version, but these were perfect. After brunch, we took a walk along the High Line park which Sean has been begging me to do for ages. It's a park that's been made out of an abandoned above ground railroad and it was actually quite nice. I've heard it can get crowded though so the fact that it was a cloudy/threatening to rain day probably made it more enjoyable.
On Saturday we also enjoyed some TV marathons and a shoe shopping trip, then had dinner in the jazz room at the Blue Water Grill. I'd been wanting to try it for a while and it did not dissapoint. The food, from the suhsi to the sea bass to the chocolate chip cookies to go was excellent and the jazz room in the basement provided a romantic space with live music where the tables were not crowded together and you could hear yourself talking. We enjoyed some champagne and a wonderful evening. I'd love to come back, Sean not so much considering the focus is seafood, but he's coming around to different fishes.
(Are kissing photos no longer cute after you're married? Sorry!)
Sunday night thanks to a gift from Mom, we went out and bought some champagne, ordered thai and watched Mad Men on Netflix. It's our latest obsession and we're now on Season 4. The photos are all from then, when I decided we couldn't have our first anniversary without photos!
Great photos of a wonderful couple. Sounds like it was a wonderful time in the city. [By the way, "kissing photos" are even cuter after you're married.]