Friday, August 30, 2013

Pure Michigan

Sean and I recently returned from a long trip to the one and only mitten state. We had a very busy week and a half trying to fit in everything we could and driving over 1,000 miles in our little rental car. I suggested we start a game called Michigan Bingo and award ourselves prizes. On this trip, we definitely would have had a full card. Here are some of the highlights:

-Traverse City! One of my absolute favorite places in Michigan and I got to spend the weekend with two of my best girlfriends from college. Been trying to make that happen for a long time and it was so fun.

-A $20 haircut. I think my jaw dropped at that price.

-Mom's wedding which was lovely and fun and relaxed. It was wonderful to have most of the extended family together again celebrating her and Jack. Miriam and I wore matching dresses because I don't believe that's an opportunity that should be turned down. Also Sean demonstrated his amazing floral skills by making my Mom's bouquet. I helped, barely.

-Lake Huron. We ended our trip with two days on the beach with my Dad and Nancy laying in the sun, reading books, and playing Yahtzee. Perfect.

-There were all the Michigan greats. Oberon, Jimmy John's, Zingermans, local wine.

-Lots of time with lots of family including a stop in Kalamazoo to see Lou, Kathy, and Rick, some relaxing days in Brighton and of course playing outside with our favorite nephew, who remained our favorite and only nephew because the other little guy refused to show his face to the world until two days after we left. The rudeness.

To that last point, now that we are home in New York, we have been enjoying lots of photos of our new nephew Hudson. I don't know when we will be able to go back to Michigan and meet him, but we are still filled with aunt and uncle love and pride. Yes I have been showing his photo to everyone in my office who will tolerate it. What can I say, I love being an aunt!

1 comment:

  1. Only you and Sean would refer to Jimmy John's as a "michigan great"
