Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Sean and I are headed to the great state of Michigan this evening for a marathon of family visits and eating lots of food. We are so excited to finally meet our nephew Hudson who is already (tear) three months old. And on top of that we also get to meet Miriam and Aaron's puppy who I have been facetiming with for weeks (I know, facetiming with a dog...but don't knock it 'til you've tried it!). Before we go, here is the requisite what I am thankful for post.

The big things:
Our wonderful supportive family
Our dear friends, including the new ones we have made in New York and all the old ones scattered around the country and world
Sean and the fact that he still makes the coffee every single morning
Reliable full time jobs that are of course still work, but interesting!
Our tiny little apartment on the Upper West Side that is just perfect for us
The opportunity to travel and explore new places

The little things:
Warm socks
A sturdy umbrella
Central Park in all seasons
Levain cookies
Kale (that's right, I love it)
Coffee and Wine (the nectars of life)
Netflix streaming and how it makes life without TV doable
Whole wheat everything bagels

Happy Thanksgiving!

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