Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Visitors Take Two

This past weekend we had another set of visitors, Lou and Tyler. Despite some nasty rain, we had a great time hanging out, enjoying delicious food, and walking around New York.  On Saturday the weather was nice so we visited the Highline, Washington Square, and Central Park. Sunday, the rain was extremely cold and persistent so it was a good day to spend at the Met. I don't have a lot of good photos because I'm waiting for Lou to send me them to me!

 Raspberry and basil popsicles on the Highline.

 Spring in Central Park

At the Met.

Sean forcing Tyler to have a pickle back. Tyler and I still won one game of Euchre.

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun with you two! Pics coming your way soon. I'm having some computer troubles, but I will email you a link when I get them up online.
