Saturday, June 8, 2013

Birthday and JUNE

June is here which seems kind of crazy. It's a very busy month for me at work with two big conferences to plan and staff but getting them out of the way will make for a relaxing summer which I am looking forward to. So lets get on to the fun stuff...

Tuesday night I walked home across Central Park and ran some errands, then headed home. When I got to our building with grand plans of cooking a nice dinner for Sean in my head, I could not open the front door to the building. No matter what I did with my key, that door would not open. I started dripping sweat in our tiny entryway for ten minutes trying to turn the lock. I sighed. I swore. And then I gave up and left. I called Sean and told him he would find me pouting on a bench somewhere in Riverside Park because that door just hated me. But then I had a great idea. Why not go to Trader Joe's and pick up some groceries since I was locked out anyway? Well, this was my first trip to Trader Joe's on Broadway and 72 and let's just say it was an educating experience. The line to check out wrapped all the way through produce, cheese, and meat. People do their shopping WHILE they're already in line to check out. It was rough. After waiting in line with my heavy basket for 30 minutes and carrying my bag home, my arm was ready to fall off. Of course when I got to our building and tried again to open the door, it opened quite easily. Of course by this time it was also 8pm, Sean got home and we gave up all hope of cooking dinner. We ordered pick up from a sushi place very close by and it wasn't terrible. End of story.

Wednesday was my birthday and it was also a beautiful day, perfect for the wearing of my chosen birthday dress, a blue shift from J. Crew with silver polka dots (which I tried to find a photo to link to because I know you were very curious about my birthday dress but it was impossible, that dress sold out in about five minutes two months ago). We've been on a strick no shopping rule, so I actually bought this dress in MARCH but hadn't worn it yet due to the complete lack of appropriate spring weather in New York. One of my colleagues insisted on birthday pie and got me a piece of strawberry rhubarb. Birthday pie is a requirement and it was delicious. Sean surprised me when I got home from work with a bouquet of roses and a stack of very fun presents including new pajamas and a straw hat (can I pull it off? the verdict is still out). We had a nice dinner in our new neighborhood at Boulud Sud. A very lovely birthday.

In other news, on Thursday I played an epic game of capture the flag with colleagues in Central Park, which I am still sore from. My team won, obviously, and I like to think my amazing defense skills had something to do with that. Friday consisted of a long day at work and complaining nonstop about the downpour in New York. It rained all day long. Literally all day. The kind of rain where your bus takes 30 minutes longer than it should, the streets fill up with water, and an umbrella can't keep you dry. We got soaked walking just a few blocks to a bar. We got even more soaked walking another few blocks to dinner. When we left four hours later it was somehow STILL pouring.

This morning the sun is shining a bit and it looks like the sky got all the rain out of its system so we are in for a nice weekend. Sean and I have some furniture shopping to do and I have birthday money burning a hole in my pocket, which means we have a date with the Flatiron district and Union Square.

Happy Weekend!

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