Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Last weekend Sean and I took a quick trip to Boston. I have been wanting to go for several months and am so glad the trip finally happened thanks to a cheap car rental and credit card points that got us a free hotel stay.*

We had such a fun time hanging out with Melissa and Eric and celebrating Sean's birthday. Boston is a great city and the weather was perfect (even a little too warm, I had to wear shorts!). We took a walk around Harvard, watched some crew on the Charles, had delicious italian food in the North End, walked all the way across the city, saw the harbor, and went on a tour of Harpoon Brewery, where I discovered my new favorite beer that of course will be very difficult to find in NYC. We also made time to watch the MSU-UofM game which was to say the least, torturous. Despite the loss, it was all in all a wonderful weekend!

Riding the T
Harvard Yard
We enjoyed the costumed tour guides
Waiting for our turn to get a photo with John Harvard
John Harvard is the school mascot, which I still think is silly
Winnie the Pooh's house!
Wild turkey in Cambridge
Head of the Charles
Head of the Charles
Chocolate fondue
At Max Brenner
After a delicious seafood lunch
No caption necessary
Harpoon Brewery, yum

*Yes we drove and yes we were stuck in traffic leaving NYC and leaving Boston. Such is life on the east coast. The fun part was trying out turn by turn directions on our iphones. It worked great but we did have to learn not to listen too closely to Siri, she is not completely up on her NYC highways and bridges.

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