Monday, October 1, 2012


This past weekend Sean and I went to Chicago for my cousin Kyle's wedding. I left on Thursday afternoon but Sean had a test and came on Friday morning. The rehearsal dinner on Thursday was at Wrigley Field and as usual with my family, we misbehaved and snuck onto the field to get some pictures. Miriam and I enjoyed being in her old neighborhood, but I wish we had actually bought an avocado burrito from El Burrito. Claiming to be the best burritos in town, I will not go against that.

On Friday, Miriam and I had a great breakfast with my Mom and Jack and successfully convinced her that an avocado smoothie was the correct breakfast choice. She enjoyed it! Then we went to get our rings cleaned and strolled down Michigan ave. The weather was perfect. After Sean arrived, we went to get pizza at Gino's with a large group of my family. Their spinach pizza is delicious although the amount of cheese is overwhelming. Once you get used to thin crusted New York style pizza, it's hard to go back.

 The wedding itself was on Friday afternoon at the Lincoln Park Zoo. It was a beautiful fall day and a wonderful setting for a wedding. After a very touching ceremony, as Kyle and Katie exited, there was an impromptu sing-a-long to "All You Need is Love." Insert Love Actually reference here. It was so sweet.

We had a wonderful time eating, drinking, and dancing. I was so glad so much of my extended family was able to make it. We stayed until the end of the night with the other die-hards, culminating in a hilarious and obnoxious sing-a-long on the trolley back to the hotel. It was quite a memorable celebration!

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