Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Don't you just love New York in the fall?

Sometimes I make Sean watch sappy movies with me, (and by make I mean that he is completely willing most of the time). Recent classics have included You've Got Mail, with the best line ever "Don't you just love New York in the fall, makes me wanna buy school supplies," and Return to Me.

We had a wonderful time a few weeks ago when Miriam was in the city for work and stayed over for a long weekend, joined by my Mom and Aunt Dee. The weather was not ideal but we still explored a fair bit of Central Park, visited the World Trade Center Memorial, and the Museum of Modern Art. We also saw Matilda on Broadway (songs were stuck in my head for the rest of the month!) and took them to Blondies for a Saturday night MSU football game and the best waffle fries around.  On Sunday after Mom and Aunt Dee had to leave, and Sean had to study, Miriam and I walked around the new section of the Highline (so nice that this park is expanding!) and then I took her for her dream come true New York activity, walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. I have only walked from Manhattan to Brooklyn and I have to say the view was much more exciting the other way around! Fall really is the best time to visit New York.

October is also Sean's birthday month and we take birthdays very seriously in this family. Unfortunately I was in Atlanta for a quick work trip on his actual birthday but we made up for it by taking a weekend trip to Massachusetts to visit Jocelyn and Cory and finally enjoy some beautiful fall trees (the trees in New York take forever to change), hiking, and a corn maze which was Sean's favorite activity. Also, tried out the Amtrak quiet car on the way to MA and it was AMAZING. I am definitely doing that in the future.

So I am writing this super interesting blog post today because I have a random day off for Veteran's Day and I have grand plans to do nothing. Clean the apartment, maybe watch a movie, go to the park and pretend I have a puppy, you know big deal, staying in my pajamas until noon stuff. I needed this day and I am going to take full advantage!


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