April was a busy month and I am attempting to type this with quite a nasty cut on my finger from a kitchen knife. (There's a first time for everything but I can't say I enjoyed my first experience cutting myself while chopping. Sean came to the rescue with bandaids and ice cream). Please ignore the typos!
Callie was in NYC the first weekend of April and we had a lovely time shopping, eating out, and getting our nails done. All of my favorite things in one day. We went to Red Farm for lunch on the Upper West Side which is one of my favorites. For dinner we decided to venture downtown in the rain to an old favorite Cacio e Pepe where we ordered the obvious choice, Cacio e Pepe. And in true Sullivan fashion we all got our own desserts even though we were stuffed.
This month I also took quick work trips to Boston and Atlanta. The weather in Atlanta was much more appealing than Boston I have to say. Also the Atlanta airport is an interesting place. The mens and women's restrooms are designated with pink and blue. Nice, right?
But in GOOD news. Spring is finally happening in the city. It may have taken all of April to get here but the trees, tulips, and daffodils have been absolutely fabulous on the days it is warm enough to enjoy them. We are also slowly preparing our patio for spring, I have had "buy flowers and plants" on my to do list for about five weekends and I swear it is happening this weekend.
It's unfortunate that as the weather gets nicer I am increasingly busy at work and Sean is busy with the end of the semester. But it's finally been nice enough for me to start walking home through Central Park. I forgot just how lovely that is.
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